Pembury History

History Topics

This page indicates the projects or topics covered in this web site, and those not yet covered, but worthy of consideration. Anyone wishing to volunteer their services should take a look at the Shops or Pubs pages to get a feel for the style and presentation.  We are hoping to collect raw data such as names, places, dates and activities arranged in a rough chronological order.  It is also important to document the source of the data so that others may follow in your footsteps at a later date.  For those wishing to compose a more poetic rendition of their finds they may contribute something to the Articles section.  We may well provide links from the pages of factual topics to the Articles page to enable a complete picture of any one topic.

The scope of this collective history is Pembury and neighbouring parts that have a related interest. We are not sticking strictly to the parish or to any time period.  As an example: the hospital that was once a workhouse. This site is now in the parish of Pembury, but prior to the 1880s, and various boundary changes, it was in the parish of Tonbridge.  It is a valid part of our history and will not be ignored.  Similarly, the roads that run though Pembury, and the various services and shared facilities adjoining Pembury.

The list below is not complete, and we welcome suggestions.

Topics already active         Topics yet to be covered

Pictures in the Past
War Memorial
Shops & Retail
Pubs & Beer Houses
Directory Listings
People and Families
The A21 London – Hastings Road
Articles and Snippets of Interest.
Houses – the pre-20th century houses around the village
Housing, spread of the village, development & urban sprawl.
Churches & Religion
Mills & Industry
Doctors, Health & Hospital
Hospital & Workhouse
Roads & Transport
Services – Electricity, Gas, Water & Drainage
Social Groups, Sports & Clubs  
Memories and Recollections of long term residents
Anyone interested in tackling one of these topics should first contact Tony Nicholls at
Customised maps can be produced by Tony Nicholls to compliment any new topic.

Historic Topics
Pembury History

IMPORTANT !!!     This needs your help.  All contributions will be credited.  If you have any further information or corrections please contact me –
Tony Nicholls