
Retail -
Pubs & Beerhouses
The Pubs of Pembury
Compiled by Tony
Introduction Notes.
This is a compilation of
previously documented data on the pubs of
Pembury. The existing data is extracted from
many publications, web sites, businesses, local
authorities and special interest groups. We
have little or no way of knowing how these
sources got their data. This project aims to
tabulate some basic facts and to act as an anchor
from where greater detail can be found. The
information is presented as a series of basic
statements, not as a cosy, narrative history of the
There are several pubs recorded for Pembury for
which there is no hard evidence – just a name.
These maybe very ancient drinking houses, long
gone. They may be the old names of more recent
establishments, such as the Camden Arms, thought to
be called the Five Bells in ancient times.
Some years ago Keith Hetherington & Alun
Griffiths published “The Old Pubs of Tunbridge Wells
& District”. All the pubs in their Pembury
section have been listed here, but there may be
arguments as to what constitutes a pub, a beer
house, a cider house or just a retailer of
beer. All needed licenses to trade.
On-licenses allowed the alcoholic drink to be
consumed on the site of sale. Off-licenses
prohibited the consumption of alcohol on the site of
sale. The cost of the license determined what they
could sell – a cider house license was cheaper than
a beer house license, but neither could sell gin,
whiskey, rum or any other spirits. The term
‘Beer Retailer’, seen in many old advertisements, is
assumed to be an ‘off-license’ establishment, but
this is just an assumption.
Sadly, there are no records or photos of many of
the missing pubs, so it is hard to make a judgement
on some of the listings. Some old beer houses
were just domestic properties with the front room
turned over to beer consumption. By recording
all data from all sources there may be a chance of
making sense when there are enough parts of the
puzzle available.
Everything on this page is up for scrutiny,
testing, additions and corrections. Nothing is
sacred. Where errors have been found we will do our
best to add corrections without obliterating the
previously published data. Differences in name
spellings reflect the source of the data.
Kathryn Franklin has contributed many additions and
amendments to this page. See the Sources of
Information section, lower down this page, for a
link to her full notes.
The map shows the locations of the pubs,
followed by a table containing known details.
Map Ref
Pembury Pub
Black Horse 12 High Street
16th century – 1800 Cider House
Library The
Black Horse
Current building dates from 1801
From Pembury Conservation
Area Report 1998 P15
Called The Black Horse from about 1840
From Pembury
Conservation Area Report 1998 P15
Called The Black Horse Inn from about 1906
Library The
Black Horse
Building: c1840 From
The Old Pubs of Tunbridge Wells &
Tithe Schedule (c 1840) says ‘House &
garden’, tenant William Allcock. It was the
only property in Pembury owned by Samuel
Windes. There is no mention of it being a
beerhouse, and there is no indication
whether the building is new or not. In 1841
census tenant is William Alcock (bn c1800)
& his occupation is
‘beershop’. Kathryn
Franklin notes 2016
Anonymous document in Pembury Library –
Black Horse entry:
This is the site of a cider house in the
late 16th century, before licenses were
Building dates to 1801 when a cider
license was granted.
Beer license granted in 1906
1871 census has first record of the name
Black Horse.
Note: The Beer Act of 1830 granted a
beer & cider license for 2 Guineas and a
Cider only license for 1 Guinea.
There was a clear distinction between
a beerhouse and a ciderhouse. (TN)
Restaurant converted from electricity
substation building c1985. (MC)
Extension to pub, new kitchen & merging
of old restaurant – 2000 (MC)
Conservatory extension to restaurant –
2000 ?? (MC)
Freehouse Michele
& Gary Coldwell
Mary Standen Pembury in Pictures
p16 postcard
view. BH identified by white fence.
p19 postcard view. BH identified
by fence & door lamp
More pictures to come on Pembury Village web
The Old Pubs of Tunbridge Wells &
District by Keith Hetherington & Alun
Griffiths Publ: Meresborough Books,
– Black
Horse c1840
Pubhistory.com – KentPubs/Pembury/BlackHorse
Privately published booklet (1985) in
Tonbridge Library – The
Black Horse
Landlords /
Tenant Managers
Michele & Gary Coldwell
1990 –
current (MC)
John Cole c1985 –
1990 (MC)
Robert Burrows c1980 –
Mark & Pam Waddington c1960s –
c1985 (MC)
Lillian Thomas 12 High St 1970,
1974 Kelly’s Dir – Private
Residents section. Does not fit
with dates of other occupants.
Fred & Bunny Thomas
c1950s – 1960s (JS)
Cecil Brooks 1950, 1955
Kelly’s Dir
Thomas Sutton
1948 Kelly’s
Directory 1948
Walter Coleman ??- 1938, 1940
-?? Kelly’s
Directory 1938
Jessie Silke 1931,
1934 Kelly’s
Edward Maynard ??- 1922 -??
Edward Maynard ??- 1918-?? Kelly’s
Directory 1912, 1916, 1919
Edward Maynard ??- 1913 -??
Edward Maynard ??- 1903 -??
Edward Maynard ??- 1901 -??
Edward Maynard ??- 1891
-?? Kelly’s
Directory 1889, 1899
John Stanley Smith & Philip Simpson
(tenants) 1892
Edward Smith of Edenbridge sold BH to
Benjamin Collard Bushell of Westerham
1892 (KF)
William Peacock ??- 1881
-?? Kelly’s
Directory 1884, 1886
John Walter Cox ??- 1874 -??
John W Cox ??- 1871 -??
Sam Wilder / William
1841 (TN – TPL)
William Allcock (tenant) Samuel
Windes (owner) Tithe Schedule
c1840 (KF)
The Tithe Schedule of 1840 does not
indicate that this is a beerhouse or
public house or inn.
Camden Arms / Camden Hotel 1
High Street
Building: c1820 (KH/AG)
2007 hotel extension.
Shepherd Neame James
and Carol Cunningham
Mary Standen Pembury in Pictures:
p9 postcard
view 1930
p10 rear of building & gardens 1912
p11 Army procession past CA 1909
p17 distant view in High St.
p18 distant view of corner door.
Anonymous document in Pembury Library –
Camden Arms entry:
In 1702 Charles
Amherst in his will left all his property,
including the ‘The Five Bells’ on Pembury
Green …..
Between 1805
– 1811 the name was changed to the Camden
The Camden
estate acquired various chunks of Pembury
around 1799 so it is highly probable that
any old names were changed to reflect new
ownership and status.
Prior to Lord Camden’s ownership the Camden
arms was known as The Five Bells.
Claims that the current building is c1820
may indicate that an earlier building was
replaced by a larger structure to better
serve the increasing coach trade between
London and the coast.
The Old Pubs of Tunbridge Wells &
by Keith Hetherington & Alun Griffiths
Publ: Meresborough Books, Gillingham,
Kent –
Camden Arms c1820.
Kathryn Franklin – ‘The Five Bells’
In 1792
George Feldwick took over lease of
Five Bells & Chalket from Samuel
Springate (Thos
Streatfeild owner) and in 1813 he
leased Camden Arms & Chalket for
10 years from 1811. Lord Camden
bought the Bayham estate which
included the coaching inn in 1799,
hence the change of name circa
1805. This is the proof of
English Heritage say the building
is 18th century, but I can
remember, before the latest
modernisation, a very old
back-to-back fireplace in the
middle of the property. Given its
location on the main road London
to Rye there has probably been an
inn there since medieval times.
There was an inn known as the sign
of ‘The Cock’ in the area in 1595
and think that could be the same
Kathy Wallwork
- The Five Bells
I was at the archives
in Maidstone, partly going through
three Court Barons to pick out
Henwoods Green and people associated
with it.
The CB on 13
June 1803 states that the court was
held at "Bayhall House & thence
by [?] at the House of George
Feldwick known by the name or sign
of the Five Bells on Pembury Green",
while that on 8 April 1823 (almost
20 years later) was held at "Bayhall
House and thence By immediate
adjournment at the House of Benjamin
Pawley known by the name or Sign of
the Camden Arms on Pembury Green".
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to
make out the words represented by a
question mark.
Pubhistory.com KentPubs/Pembury/CamdenHotel
British Listed Builings
(Pembury) Camden
Interior greatly modified during the 1970s
under Whitbread for Beefeater
restaurant. (JC)
Photo c1912 shows Billiard Room
From Pembury in the Past by Mary Standen
Photo c1912 shows out buildings
From Pembury in the Past by Mary
Standen p21
/ Tenant Managers
James and Carol Cunningham
2002 –
Whitbread Brewery ???
Beefeater restaurant.
Fremlins Brewery ???
Leneys Wateringbury ? (Brewery ?)
Mr Wolfe late 1950s –
1960s (SS)
H.S. Symonds 1955
Kelly’s Dir
Claude Burgess 1950 Kelly’s
Dir mid
1950s (MCo)
V.W. Ashford 1940
Kelly’s Dir
W Horn 1938
Kelly’s Dir 1938
A.G. Allen, tenant 1935 (KF)
Arthur G. Allen
1934 Kelly’s Dir
Percy Wallaker 1933
Kelly’s Dir
Capt. Geo. Williams 1931
Dir 1931
G Williams ??- 1930 -??
Bishop, tenant 1927 (KF)
Edward Simms 1924 Kelly’s
Arthur Lister ??- 1922 -??
Mrs E.K. Steadman
1919 Kelly’s Dir
(Mrs E.K. Steadman &
Charles Grant – two listings)
Charles Grant
Kelly’s Dir
(Mrs E.K. Steadman &
Charles Grant – two listings)
Charles Grant, tenant 1918 (KF)
Frederick Williams ??- 1913 -??
Mrs May B.
Thorne 1911
Kelly’s Dir
William Thorne, tenant 1905 (KF)
William Thorn ??- 1901, 1904
-?? 1903, Kelly’s
Devere Hotels 1900
Thomas Johnson, Carter, tenant 1895 (KF)
1892 Kelly’s Dir
Gustuv Adolf Krusssman
1891 Kelly’s
Clarence Pigot, tenant 1891 (KF)
William Andrews 1886, 1889
Kelly’s Directory
Miss Cage 1880s
Elizabeth McGregor – Camden Family Hotel – Kelly’s
Augustus Leney 1886
Charles F Leney 1883
Elizabeth McGregor ??- 1881 -??
Mrs Macgregor, tenant 1878 (KF)
Alexander McGregor ??- 1874 -??
Alexander McGregor ??- 1871
-?? 1878 Post
Office Dir
Elizabeth Chittenden ??- 1862 -??
Henry Chittenden (address not
specified) Licensed victualler
1858 Melville’s Directory
John Faircloth 1858
Also listed as Posting House
George Edward
1855 Post Office Directory
Also listed as Posting House
Edward Pawley, tenant 1845 (KF)
Richard Jeffrey Clout, tenant 1839/40 Piggot
Richard Jeffrey Cloute 1840 Piggot’s
Directory John
Colbran’s New Guide for Tunbridge Wells
Edward Pawley, tenant 1839/1840 (KF)
Benjamin Pawley 1828 –
1832 Pigot’s
Directory John
Colbran’s New Guide for Tunbridge
Wells 1840
Note: John Colbran’s New Guide for
Tunbridge Wells 1840 also has
Pawley at Woodsgate.
Mrs Feldwick, tenant 1820 (KF)
George Feldwick, tenant 1800 (KF)
George Feldwick,, tenant – new lease 1792
Thomas Streatfeild, owner 1792 (KF)
Elizabeth Browne (Will of), owner 1789 (KF)
Charles Amherst (Will of), owner. William
Turner, tenant 1702 (KF)
Mary Smither, tenant c1637 ? (KF)
Coaching House & Stables built
c1820. Coffee Room & Stables
demolished to build Maidstone & District
bus station, later demolished for car
park. Little evidence of Bus
Garage. New Hotel extension 2007
King William IV 87
Hastings Road
Building: c1800 (KH/AG)
The Old Pubs of Tunbridge Wells &
by Keith Hetherington & Alun Griffiths
Publ: Meresborough Books, Gillingham,
Kent –
King William IV c1800
Web site Geolocation (
) claims:
This pub is
on Hastings Road. This 200 year old
building is thought to have been a private
dwelling and carpenters
shop until 1848, when
it was leased to two brothers, who were
beer retailers.
Photo of 1932 shows association with
Westerham Ales From
Pembury in the Past by Mary Standen p21
Report of raisin wine supplied from King
William IV in 1810
From Pembury in the Past by Mary
Standen p21
/ Tenant Managers
(Some dates overlap and seem to be
Dave Andrews & Lyn Morgan
2010 – c2013
Closed for a short while ?
Mel Thornton & Sandy Canham
2006 – 2009 ?
Keith Hopkins 1970s
1948, 1950, 1955 Kelly’s Dir
Mary Jane Jenner 1929 –
1941 From
Pembury in the Past by Mary Standen p21
Frederick Jenner 1894 –
1929 From
Pembury in the Past by Mary Standen p21
J Pattenden ??- 1903
Beer Retailer, Post Office Directory
1903, Kelly’s 1903
Joseph Pattenden ??- 1901
-?? Publican
, 1901 Census
1899, 1904 Kelly’s Dir
Joseph Pattenden ??- 1891
-?? Beer
Retailer, Post Office Directory 1891
G. Rhodes 1894
Publicans section of Pike’s Directory
George Hayler beer
retailer 1886
Kelley’s Dir
John Pentecost ??- 1881
Beerhouse Keeper, 1881
John Pentecost ??- 1871
Retailer of Beer, 1881
John Pavey, beerseller in Hastings Road 1851
John Pavey – Beershopkeeper, renting from W.
Neale 1848. 1st License (Anonymous
document in Pembury Library)
William Neale – Owner 1848
(Anonymous document in Pembury Library)
John Pavey, licensee 1841, 1848 (KF)
Edward Gower 1841 (KF)
Edward Gower
1838 (Anonymous
document in Pembury Library)
Note: King William IV is
the most popular monarch among pub names
from the passing of the 1830 Beerhouse act
that liberalised the brewing and selling of
beer. It was during his reign that
the number of pubs multiplied out of
control, and he is celebrated by having his
name on so many. (TN)
Royal Oak 216
Henwood Green Road
Building: c1800
Closed 2013
The Old Pubs of Tunbridge Wells &
by Keith Hetherington & Alun Griffiths
Publ: Meresborough Books, Gillingham,
Kent –
Royal Oak c1800
/ Tenant Managers
Mr & Mrs McCarthy 2010
Enterprise Inns (DG)
Bill Mantell 1950s –
1970s (MCo)
E.F. Nicholls 1955
Kelly’s Dir
E.W. Ball 1948,
Kelly’s Dir
George Finch 1940
Kelly’s Dir
Edward Herbert Wells ??- 1922
-?? 1924, 1927,
1934, 1938 Kelly’s
Also Prop of Camden Garage 1924
Charles Jackson ??- 1918 -??
Richard Charles Vaughan 1914
Kelly’s Directory 1914
Charles Jackson ??- 1913, 1916, 1919
-?? Kelly’s Directory
Mr & Mrs Jeffery ??- 1910
-?? Charles
Jeffery beer retailer 1911
Kelly’s Dir
Henry Nash
1907 Pelton’s
A J Goodwin ??- 1903, 1904 -??
Arthur J Goodwin ??- 1901 -??
Arthur Goodwin , Royal Oak 1898
(Kelly’s Directory 1898)
Philip Peters ??- 1891 -??
1886 Kelly’s Directory
Philip Peters ??- 1881 -??
Philip Peters ??- 1874 -??
Philip Peters ??- 1871 -??
Henry S Chittenden ??- 1862 -??
Henry Chittenden beer
retailer lower green (address not
specified) Post Office
Directory 1855
Henry Crittenden , Royal Oak beerhouse,
Lower Green
1851 (KF)
William Allcock 1841 (KF)
(Pub building is now shown on the 1840
Tithe map)
Royal Oak opened and licensed c1860
Newspaper Cutting from
1921 - General Sale of Kent pubs
PVN No 89 p20 Philip
Peters Landlord 1939
This is ambiguous text and can give the
impression that P Peters was the Landlord in
PVN No 93 p17
Ron Clark’s butchers shop next to Royal Oak
PVN No 101 p38
Advert. Breakfast for £3.95
Note there is some confusion with the Royal
Oak appearing on some old coaching maps.
These are taken to mean the Woodsgate Inn at
Woodsgate Corner.
Woodsgate Hotel / Woodsgate Inn /
Royal Oak Woodsgate Corner,
High Street
Building: c1700 or earlier
Ancient coaching inn, hotel, and half way
house for travelers between London &
Shown as ‘Woodgate’ on Ogilby’s 1676 road
map of London to Rye.
Old coaching schedules show a stop at the
Royal Oak Inn, Pembury. This is the
Woodsgate rather
than the Royal Oak in Henwood Green Road.
Roads Itinery of 1798
(Pembury in the Past
– Mary Standen)
measurable from G.P.O. London – The Royal
Oak Inn at Woods Gate, Pembury, distance
36 miles from London”
Ogilby’s 1675 road map shows the
Coppingcrouch Green milestone 35 miles from
London Bridge.
Mary Standen Histrory of
Pembury p44
Woodsgate (Hotel) /
Woodsgate Coaching Inn
The Old Pubs of Tunbridge Wells &
by Keith Hetherington & Alun Griffiths
Publ: Meresborough Books, Gillingham,
Kent –
Woodsgate Coaching Inn
(known as Royal Oak Inn – 1700s)
Pigot’s Directory of 1840 –
” Royal Oak, Edward PAWLEY,
Woodsgate, Pembury ”
John Colbran’s
New Guide for Tunbridge Wells 1840 –
mentions a Posting House kept by Mr Pawley.
Royal Oak at Woodsgate closed at about 1850
Pembury Conservation Area Report
1998 – Woodsgate Coaching
/ Tenant Managers for Royal
1823 listed as holding sale details for a
property in Pembury (KF)
1841 – Maria Pawley was licensee at
Woodsgate Inn.
1839 – Edward Pawley (Piggot) – he was at
The Camden by 1845
/ Tenant Managers for
Woodsgate Inn
1932 – 16th cent coach house recently
bought by Mr Geo Lewis & turned into
Guest house. (KF)
1886/95 – home of Major-Gen Dixon VC
By 1850 – a private house k/a Woodsgate
1837 – Still an inn (KF)
1820 – Posting House & inn, tenant James
Harris (KF)
Nightclub & Bar
Reports from locals of a nightclub and bar in
the cafe associated with the Woodsgate
Swimming Pool.
The use as a nightclub dates from around the
1960s, although the cafe is thought to be a
lot older.
Joint use of building (shown on 1936 OS
map) – Cafe during the day,
Nightclub & Bar at night.
Advertised in Pembury Parish Guide 1966 – Your
Local Lido ‘Woodsgate’ Meeting, Eating,
Dancing …
See Woodsgate Maps
page for greater details of location. |
Foresters Arms Romford
Note there is variable spelling of
Foresters and Forresters.
This gives the impression of the very old
style of village public house – literally
somebody turning their front room over to
selling beer under license.
Mary Standen’s Pembury in the Past p17
indicates the pub was known as the ‘The Peep
and Slip-it’ before
it received a license – date not
known. Thereafter it was known as the
Foresters Arms. License taken away in 1917.
view of house in Romford Rd
From Mary Standen Pembury in
Pictures p63
Postcard view of house in Romford Rd
From Pembury in the Past by Mary Standen
The old house
in Romford Road, now known as The
Forresters held a license until
1919. – WISB 1965
Century OS map showing ‘BH’ –
Beer House in Romford Road
Note the difference in the buildings
depicted by Mary Standen’s book and the WI
Scrapbook 1965
The Old Pubs of Tunbridge Wells &
by Keith Hetherington & Alun Griffiths
Publ: Meresborough Books, Gillingham,
Kent – Forresters
Arms c1870 – 1918
Kelly’s Directory of 1914
has A. Harris – Beer
Retailer, Romford
Pubhistory.com KentPubs/Pembury/ForestersArms
Newspaper Cutting from
/ Tenant Managers
Rice-Oxley, tenant 1927-38 (KF)
Mrs May, tenant 1918 (KF)
A. Harris beer retailer
Romford 1911 Kelly’s Dir
John Collins beer
retailer Romford 1904 Kelly’s
1901/George Easterfield/Beer
Retailer/65/Locks Green,
1898 George Easterfield, Beer
Retailer, Romford – does not specify
Foresters (Kelly’s
Directory 1898)
S. Kenwood Foresters Arms, Pembury 1894
Publicans section of Pike’s Directory
Spencer Kenwood beer
1892 Kelly’s Dir
Spencer Kennard, tenant 1891
George Fry, tenant 1881
1871/George Jury/Carpenter & Beer
The following newspaper cuttings were
offered by Paula Montandon and add more data
1 (1918) Cutting
2 (c1920)
Note the sale of the Forresters refers to
it being formerly licensed - no longer a
Waterloo Inn Highfield
House, 31 Hastings Road
The Waterloo Inn – on the site of Highfield
House, Hastings Road.
PVN No84, p12 suggests that Highfield House
was demolished to make way for new houses on
the site of Highfield Close.
Ordnance Survey maps back to 1865 show empty
fields in the vicinity of Highfield Close.
Ordnance Survey maps back to 1897 show a
similar shaped house to that of today’s on
Hastings Road – ‘Highfield’.
Ordnance Survey map of 1865 shows a
different shaped house on the site of
Mentioned in Pembury Parish Guide 1966 as
having been on the Site of Highfields in
Hastings Road. (MPt)
‘Highfield’ Now stands in Hastings Road
once stood The Waterloo Inn.
– WISB 1965
of parish map from Mary Standen’s
History of Pembury 1947 showing the site.
The Old Pubs of Tunbridge Wells &
by Keith Hetherington & Alun Griffiths
Publ: Meresborough Books, Gillingham,
Kent – Waterloo Inn c1800
Described in the 1840/41 Tithe Schedule
(plot 861a) as "House and Beershop".
/ Tenant Managers
Thomas Smith, owner. William Pavey,
Five Bells Cockshoot
Cottages, Redwings Lane
The Old Pubs of Tunbridge Wells &
by Keith Hetherington & Alun Griffiths
Publ: Meresborough Books, Gillingham,
Kent –
Five Bells c1800
Mentioned in Pembury Parish Guide 1966 as
having been near the Old Church (MPt)
The ‘Five
Bells’ at Hawkwell away in the NE corner
has long been turned into cottages
– WISB 1965
See Camden Arms listing for ‘Five Bells’.
See Kathryn Franklin notes on ‘Five
/ Tenant Managers
So far listings not found in trade
directories, telephone directories or beer
The Alders
Alders Rd
Note the location is wrong, for historical
reasons. There is no ‘The
Alders’ in Pembury.
This has been identified in”Capel Explored”
(page 84) by the Capel History Society as
The Dovecote Inn, Alders Road.
It was ‘The Alders’ and was renamed in
1987. Page 83 indicates that this part
of the world was at one time a part of the
parish of Pembury, and deemed by the Post
Office to be a part of Five Oak Green, hence
the historical confusion.
The listing is maintained here because
earlier sources quote this as a Pembury pub.
Kelly’s Directory of 1914 has a business
entry for Pembury – Mrs Playfoot –
Grocer, The Alders
Kelly’s Directory of 1934 has a business
entry for Pembury – William Roberts, beer
retailer The Alders
Kelly’s Directory of 1938 has a business
entry for Pembury – W. Roberts, The
All Kelly’s entries quote “Letters Through
Alders page indicates “Letters Through
Capel” ???? This entry is
thought to be wrongly identified with
Pubhistory.com KentPubs/Pembury/Alders
/ Tenant Managers
1862/Edward Biggs/../../../Post Office
1871/Martha Biggs/Inn Keeper,
Widow/43/Capel, Kent/Census
1874/James King/../../../Post Office
1881/William Thorpe/Licensed
Victualler/46/Maresfield, Sussex/Census
1884 James King – Kelly’s
Directory address –
The Alders
1930/Wm Adams/Beer Retailer/../../Post
Office Directory
1938/W Roberts/../../../Post Office
1901/George McQueen/Inn Keeper/40/Pembury,
G. McQueen beer retailer
1892 Kelly’s Dir
G. McQueen, The Alders Inn,
Pembury 1892
Publicans section of Pike’s Directory
Edgar John Trussell, beer retailer,
Alders 1889 Kelly’s
Three Stars 1 Hawkwell
Cottages, Maidstone Road.
The Old Pubs of Tunbridge Wells &
by Keith Hetherington & Alun Griffiths
Publ: Meresborough Books, Gillingham,
Kent –
Three Stars c1800
/ Tenant Managers
So far listings not found in trade
directories, telephone directories or beer
Swiss Cottage Beerhouse
132 Lower Green Road / 1 Romford Road
The Old Pubs of Tunbridge Wells &
by Keith Hetherington & Alun Griffiths
Publ: Meresborough Books, Gillingham,
Kent – Swiss Cottage Beer
House c1910
of Swiss Cottage A 1960s
photograph of the building in Romford Road,
then used as
convenience store and Off License.
/ Tenant Managers
Original listing for “Swiss Cottage” was in
“The Old Pubs of Tunbridge Wells” with no
indication of of its location.
Various advertisements and newspaper
cuttings have led to the location and the
operators of this establishment.
The following newspaper cuttings were
offered by Paula Montandon and add more data
1 (1879) Cutting
2 (1901) Cutting
3a (c1920) Cutting
3b (c1920) Cutting 4 (1944)
The following newspaper cutting and census
was offered by Katherine Kelly –
Cutting 5 (1881)
Cutting 6 (1886)
7 (1886) Cutting
8 (1887) Cutting
9 (1886)
Cutting 10 (1879) Cutting
11 (1918) Cutting
12 (1921) Cutting
13 (1925) Cutting
14 (1925)
C.H. Harris (1881) was Katherine Kelly's
great, great grandfather.
License Chronology
License granted to Jesse Young for a
beerhouse at Swiss Cottage. (see
cuttings 1 & 10)
License transferred to Charles Harris.
1881 - 1886 Charles
Herbert Harris (Family moved and
transferred license to Peter George Sheeney.
Peter George Sheeney. (see cutting 9)
Harris (see cutting 7)
1887 - 1903 James
Kelly’s Directories
(see cutting 8)
Alfred Palmer Swiss Cottage,
beer retailer 1904 Kelly’s Dir (see
cutting 2)
1907 - 1919 Wm. Nurden
beer retailer Lower Green
Kelly’s Directories (see cutting 3b)
W. Nurden., Swiss
Cottage Pelton’s
Directory 1907
County Bench hearings on licensing
issues (see cutting 11)
Sale of various Kent pubs and
Beerhouses (see cutting 12)
Temporary transfer of license from Arthur
Cornwall (deceased) to Alice Maud Cornwall.
Transfer of license to Mr C.F. Lambert
(see cuttings 13 & 14).
1925 - 1938 Charles
Frederick Lambert, Grocer, Lower
Green Kelly's Dir.
Under Lambert there is no mention of
'Swiss Cottage' or beer license.
Percy T. Kenwright grocer, Lower
Green Rd 1940 Kelly’s Dir.
No longer a beerhouse.
???? - 1944 Percy Thomas
Kenwright of Swiss Cottage Stores
(death in 1944) (cutting 4)
There are several interpretations of
Sheeney, Sheeny, Sheeley, Sweeney. It is
assumed it is the same person.
The newspaper cuttings suggest the Swiss
Cottage beerhouse was within 300 yards of
the Royal Oak.
Cutting 5 is from a 1881 census document
showing Charles Harris as beer retailer in
Romford Road.
The newspaper cutting 10 (1879) suggests
that the premises was known as Swiss Cottage
prior to the application for a beer seller's
Various advertisements featuring William
Nurden selling beer from 132 Lower Green
Road indicate that this is the location of
the Swiss Cottage. See Item 54 on the
Lower Green – Shops & Retail page.
The ambiguous addresses of Romford Road and
Henwood Green Road strongly suggest that
Swiss Cottage was on the corner of both
Kathryn Franklin –
address is actually 1 Romford Rd, the
house it was attached to is in Henwood
Green Rd. (Before the Chapel was built
Romford Road started at the junction of
Back Lane or Henwood Green Rd. The track
in front of the Chapel was then known as
Chapel Lane, even into the 20th century.
Henwood Green Road towards Bopeep is
also a later edition, possibly 18th
century. Your 1769 map & Hasted both
only show a track rather than a road)
Half Moon Inn Half Moon Lane
PVN No 85 p14 Half Moon Inn, located three
quarters along Half Moon Lane, from the A21
toward Capel.
Date unknown, but in 1995 an 85 year old
recalls it was closed when his grandfather
was a boy, placing it sometime around the
mid 1800s.
/ Tenant Managers
So far listings not found in trade
directories, telephone directories or beer
Unresolved Landlords &
Beer Retailers
Mrs Grass beer
retailer 1899
Kelly’s Dir
Charles Humphrey beer
retailer 1911 Kelly’s Dir
Edward C. Paige, beer retailer, High
St 1924 Kelly’s Dir
Miscellaneous entries
Pubs & Brewers - COWDEN, Ashurst, Capel, Pembury, Speldhurst and Tudeley
Taverns & Public Houses
BAKER Francis BLACK LION Ashurst
PATEMAN Thomas STAG Ashurst
HUGHES Geo CROWN Groombridge
Pubs & Brewers - COWDEN, Ashurst, Groombridge, Pembury & Speldhurst
Taverns & Public Houses
BEST Joseph BLACK LION Ashurst
PATEMAN Thomas STAG Ashurst
HUGHES George CROWN Groombridge
TURNER William RED LION Speldhurst
of Information
WISB Pembury Women’s Institute
Scrap Book 1965
KH/AG The Old Pubs of Tunbridge Wells
& District by Keith Hetherington &
Alun Griffiths
JC James
Michele Coldwell
Maggie Godley
Tony Nicholls
JS Jack Stead
Derek Goodwin
Terry Killick
MPt Martin Petch
Melvyn Cole
Tonbridge Public Library
Sylvia Schmocker
Paula Montandon
KF Kathryn
Acts 1690-1900 for pubs and
Pembury Pubs as
listed in
Pubhistory.com KentPubs/Pembury/
Franklin’s notes, corrections and
amendments (March 2016)
!!! This needs your
help. All contributions will be
If you have any further information or
corrections please contact me –
Tony Nicholls email:
Pubs & Beerhouses
This needs your help.
All contributions will be credited. If you
have any further information or corrections please
contact me –
Tony Nicholls email: