Past Pages


All Genuine Antiquarian Prints.    No Reproductions.   No Modern Copies

Master Index          Sale Page

Prints -  English Topography, by County -
Counties     Bedfordshire to Buckinghamshire
Counties     Cambridgeshire to Cumberland ( excluding Cornwall )
Counties     Cornwall
Counties     Derbyshire to Durham( excluding Devon )
Counties     Devon
Counties     Essex to Gloucestershire
Counties     Hampshire to Huntingdonshire
Counties      Kent     (1)  (2)   (3)  (4)
Counties      Lancashire to Lincolnshire
Counties      Middlesex & Monmouthshire
Counties      Norfolk to Nottinghamshire
Counties      Oxfordshire to Suffolk
Counties      Surrey
Counties      Sussex
Counties      Warwickshire to Yorkshire
Prints -  British Isles Topography -
UK    London  -   Page 1    Page 2    Page 3    Page 4   
                           Page 5    Page 6    Page 7    Page 8
UK    Islands
UK    Scotland
UK    Wales
UK    Ireland
Prints -  Non-British Topography -
Europe   Countries B - E
Europe   Countries F
Europe   Countries G
Europe   Countries I - T
America - USA
America - USA (from Pictureqsue America)
American Civil War and earlier conflicts
America - Canada
America - Central and Caribbean
America - South
Africa   (& Egypt)
Asia - Far East (China, Japan, India, Russia, etc)
Asia - Near East (Holy Land, Syria, Turkey, Arabia, etc)
Australia, New Zealand & Pacific
Prints -  Nature & Natural History -
Mammals  - Aquatic (Whale, Dolphin, Seal, Otter, Vole, etc)
Mammals  - Bats
Mammals  - Cats (Domestic, Lion, Tiger, Lynx,etc)
Mammals  - Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Pig, Horse
Mammals  - Deer ( Elk, Moose, Antelope, Gazelle, etc)
Mammals  - Dogs (Domestic, Fox, Wolf, Hyena, etc )
Mammals  - Primates - Monkey, Ape, Lemur  and similar
Mammals  - Rodents ( Rat, Mouse, Squirrel, etc)
Mammals  - Marsupials
Mammals  - Large Misc & mixed selections
Mammals  - Small Misc & mixed selections
Birds         - Page1     Page2     Page 3 - Morris     
Plants,  Flowers, Flora ...
Reptiles, Insects, Microbes, Shells ... 
Prints   Industry, General, Trades & Agriculture
Prints   Industry - Glass Manufacturing
Prints   Industry - Shipbuilding, Ships & Boats
Prints   Science & Technology
Prints   Astronomy
Prints   History - People          General      British       American     
Prints   History - Events   (Excluding Military)
Prints   Biblical, Mythology, Scriptures, etc
Prints   Military, War, Battle & Conflict
Prints   Military -  American Civil War
Prints   Army & Navy Uniform, Costume, Dress
Prints   Medical, Anatomy & Surgery         Page 2     Page 3
Prints   Music, Theatre & Stage
Prints   Fashion, Dress, Costume
Prints   Sport ( Racing, Boating, Fishing, Hunting ... )
Prints   Professions   (Law, Politics, Medicine, Education ..... )
Charts, Tables, Statistics, Chronology, Genealogy .....

Prints   Miscellaneous - Do not fit existing categories.
Prints - Peoples, Customs, Costumes, National Dress, Ethnicity .......
Prints   Peoples & Customs of Africa
Prints   Peoples & Customs of Americas
Prints   Peoples & Customs of Asia, Australia, Pacific
Prints   Peoples & Customs of Europe
Prints   Peoples & Customs of England, Wales & Scotland
Prints   Peoples -  Ethnic Diversity
Prints  -  Illustrative / Comical / Satirical / Caricature - 
Dr Syntax  - Rowlandson   1812 - 1830
Miscellaneous  Rowlandson / Ackermann 
Real Life in London   -  Pierce Egan   1821 - 1831
Political and Satirical
William Hogarth
Army & Navy Drolleries - Seccombe c1885
Jack Shepherd  - Glover  1840
Coaches and Coaching
Follies of the Year - John Leech
Comic History of England   - (Seccombe 1884), (Leech  c1865)
Cecil Aldin - The Snob  1904
Cecil Aldin  -  The Merry Party   1913
B & N Parker  -  Funny Bunnies   1907
Louis Wain -  Cats and other animals
William Heath Robinson -  Absurdities & Cumbersome Contraptions

Master Index